






4. The wife hereby represents and warrants unto the Husband that she is in good health, gainfully employed, and is possessed of sufficient income and assets to be fully self-supporting at all times hereafter. Acordingly, the Wife waives and relinquishes, and releases the Husband of and from any and all obligations that exist or that might otherwise arise or exist for the support and maintenance of the Wife, temporary, durational and permanent, now and forever.

5. Waiver of Temporary and Post-Divorce Maintenance: The parties have agreed to each waive the presumptively correct amount of temporary and post-divorce maintenance for the following reasons: (a) such waiver is consistent with their mutual intention to be governed by the terms of this Agreement and not by a statutory formula; (b) the maintenance provisions are the results of negotiations taking into consideration the age and health of the parties, and their respective abilities to be self-supporting, (c) the Husband's payment to or for the benefit of the Wife and the Children, including as set forth herein at Article VII; and (d) the assets that each party is receiving, and the acceptance of liabilities in the division of martial property as set forth herein.


1、英文合同里不习惯用party A 和 party B指甲方乙方,而是直接用称呼双方关系的词,如husband/wife(丈夫/妻子), employer/employee(雇主/雇员),tenant/lanlord(承租人/房东),owner/contractor(业主/施工方),凡是写party A/party B都是中国人写的合同,我经常写过一篇文章解释:

这就是为什么瓜主的离婚协议里通篇都是用wife/husband来指代。但如果表示“双方”时,就是用the parties表示。

2. 第一句话里的the Wife represents and warrants unto the Husband,这里注意represent 和 warrant 都不能做字面意思解释,represent and warrant是法律术语的固定搭配,一起使用表示“保证”,等于guarantee,表示当事人一方或双方针对过去曾经发生或现在存在、可能影响合约效力的一些“事实”做出保证是真实的(如果有虚假则构成违约,要承担违约责任)。

3. unto的意思等同于to,也是法律习惯用语,即妻子向丈夫做出保证。

4. waive, relinquish, release三者皆为“放弃”的意思,律师为了严谨使用了三个不同的词。看到这里,我只想说这个律师大大的坏,用了这么一句由长又绕的话,并且重复用近义词把所有的漏洞给堵死,以防李靓蕾日后再找王力宏要钱。

我们来看其中并列使用的三个词 waive, reqlinquish, release在中文里用一个“放弃”就完事了,英文为什么要用三个词呢?


relinquish其实就是give up的法律用语,表示放弃你现在手里有的东西(包括权利、职位、股份等等)。

release 就是set free,也就是不再纠缠。


我们再来看这句里waives and relinquishes, and release the Husband of and from any and all obligations,为什么要并列使用of and from呢,只用一个可以吗?

不可以,因为前面的动词所接的介词不一样,比如waive somebody of something,但后面确实relinquish somebody from something,release也是用from,为了避免这种现象,所以分别把他们的介词并列放上。

5. maintenance常见的意思是”维护“”保养“,这里的意思是”生活费“,即维持生活的费用,还有一个词alimony也表示生活费。

6. temporary, durational and permanent,有小伙伴说这里为什么不是用副词temporarily, durationally and permanently,其实这三个词是修饰前面的maintenance,只不过定语后置了。

7. as set forth 等同于as stated,即如本文...陈述,这也是法律专用术语。
