使用Chat gpt聊《简爱》,我在学习英语中的小尝试

人工智能引起极大关注的2023年,像我们这种愚钝的人,也能感觉到一个时代要到来:AI 对于教育方式的变革、AI 对于教育内容的变革、AI 对于学习方法的革新、AI 对于何以定义一个人的能力的变革。

体验几次后,我也认为 Chat gpt 是历史上从未出现过的 “神器”。可惜的是,对于我来说“神器”在手,我并没有让它发挥出“神器”的效果。





我: Let's talk about Jane Eyre. I've finished reading it. You can ask me a question.

AI:Great! What do you think about the character of Bertha Mason in the story? Was she portrayed sympathetically or as a villain?

人工智能的角度很刁钻,它抛出的第一个问题是 男主角的疯妻子。我真没想到它会这么问。我思考之后给了回答。然后,AI 对我的回答予以评价,又提出了另外的问题。

AI:Yes, I agree. Bertha Mason's character can be seen as complex, and her actions are influenced by the circumstances of her life, including her mental illness and mistreatment by Rochester. What do you think about the ending of the novel?

AI:That's an interesting perspective. While the ending of the novel might not be considered a traditional "happy" ending, it can be viewed as a positive one, as Jane and Rochester are ultimately able to find a way to be together despite the obstacles in their path. Do you have any questions about the themes or motifs in the novel?

AI:That's a wonderful idea! Jane Eyre is a great novel that can inspire readers of all ages, and its themes of independence, personal growth, and moral courage are timeless. What is your favorite aspect of the novel?

AI:Yes, the contrast between Jane and Helen is an interesting one. While Jane is independent and outspoken, Helen is much more submissive and accepting of her fate. However, both characters have a strong moral compass and are willing to stand up for what they believe in. Do you think this comparison adds to the overall message of the novel?

AI:The author of Jane Eyre, Charlotte Bronte, was a Christian herself and this is reflected in some aspects of the novel. However, she also challenged some traditional beliefs and practices of Christianity, particularly through the character of St. John Rivers who represents a zealous and dogmatic version of the faith that Jane ultimately rejects. Overall, the novel can be seen as offering a more nuanced view of religion and spirituality, suggesting that it is important to seek a personal relationship with God rather than simply adhering to blindly accepted doctrines.

AI:I apologize for that. What do you think about the portrayal of gender roles in the novel? Do you think the author challenges or reinforces traditional gender norms?

AI:That's understandable. Charlotte Bronte's novel was written in the 19th century, a time when traditional gender roles were firmly entrenched in society. However, the character of Jane Eyre challenges some of these norms through her independence and refusal to conform to societal expectations. Similarly, the relationship between Jane and Rochester can be seen as one that subverts traditional power dynamics between men and women.

AI:Sure! What do you think about the role of class in the novel? How does it affect the characters and their relationships?

AI:Yes, the class differences between Jane Eyre and Mr. Rochester are significant throughout the novel. Their relationship is complicated by their differing social statuses, and it ultimately takes a major revelation of secrets for them to overcome these obstacles and be together. However, as you rightly noted, Jane's strength of character allows her to rise above societal expectations and assert her independence despite her lowly origins. This makes her a strong and admirable protagonist.

短短半小时的时间, 我和AI聊了关于 Jane Eyre 的很多方面,聊到对于 Berth Manson 的看法;聊到对于小说结局的看法;聊到等我家女儿长大之后,我要陪女儿读这本书;聊到小说中对于Jane 和 Helen 的比较;聊到作者Charlotte Bronte她本人对于基督教义的看法;聊到19世纪英国社会对于不同性别的行为的规范与准则;聊到不同的社会阶层对于人物角色、人物关系的影响。

与AI 聊完之后,我深深地为我的大学里的英美文学老师,感到不安与惶恐。像这样,一对一地深入交流、即时反馈、几乎无所不知、提问题角度新奇、而且还有礼貌、善于鼓励学生的 AI,真的会带给很多人挑战与威胁。

我们对话的话题的走向,完全是 Chat gpt 在引导,它负责提问、我负责思考、我给出答案、它提出对于我答案的看法、我思考它对于同样的问题给出的不同角度的回答、我学习它看问题的角度、修正我的思考、也学习它对于语言的使用、它再提出另一个问题、我再思考后予以回答。如此往复循环。




未来已来,在人工智能引起极大关注的2023年,像我们这种愚钝的人,也能感觉到一个时代要到来:AI 对于教育方式的变革、AI 对于教育内容的变革、AI 对于学习方法的革新、AI 对于何以定义一个人的能力的变革。

当知识的获取与提取唾手可得时,“博闻强记” 不再受到那么多人的仰视。

