
“我不太方便” 意思应该是上面的第二种,表示“…对我来说不太方便” 因此应该说成:Sth is not convenient for me. 什么对我来说不方便,具体到某一句话,一般就要用形式主语“it” ,例如:

convenient 是一个形容词,主要有两层意思第一层意思:

fitting in well with people's needs or plan;

giving no trouble or difficulty; suitable.

主要跟for sb/sth连用,有如下三个意思:

1. …对…来说符合需要。

2. …对…来说方便,某事/某物对某人来说没有麻烦或困难。

3. …对…来说合适。

而“我不太方便” 意思应该是上面的第二种,表示“…对我来说不太方便” 因此应该说成:Sth is not convenient for me. 什么对我来说不方便,具体到某一句话,一般就要用形式主语“it” ,例如:

It's not convenient for me to go there

because it's raining cats and dogs outside.

我不方便去那里, 外面正在下瓢泼大雨。

Poor thing ! But I can't adopt you because

I have to go to work everyday, Noone looks

after you. I will bring you some food


真可怜! 但我不能收养你,因为我每天要上班,没人照顾你。我每天会给你带点食物来


situated nearby; easy to get to.近便的,容易到达的。

The house I want to buy is very convenient

for several schools.

